How to help Colombia
from abroad


This campaign seeks to help preserve jobs in 50 restaurants in Colombia and deliver solidarity menus to people who need it. 2 forms to help in one initiative.

Spanish version

Many of us are looking for ways to help Colombia from abroad ...

5 Steps to help

1. Donate at Vaki in this giving fund that we created

2. The money will be ship twice a month to Colombia directly to the savings account of the Association of Food Banks of Colombia # 04867105340 in Bancolombia, NIT 900 326 456-1 once a month through Vaki.

3. SierraNevada distributes the menu orders among the restaurants that are part of giving priority to the smaller businesses, which also supports them.

4. PPwC [PriceWaterhouseCoopers] audits the delivery of the money. Each month we will publish an accountability report of the previous month..

5. will add our effort to other initiatives.

For every € 1,000 [approx. USD $ 1,100 or COP $ 4'100,000] manage to raise, we give food to more than 500 people responsibly. If we gather more... imagine the gratification that we and our families will receive !!

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The story behind this initiative

My name is Diego Fajardo, founder of Vinkular. I met Emiliano Moscoso in 2018 at CESA University where I was invited as lecturer, but I can tell that —in fact— I was the one that really learned from him. Emiliano founded the SierraNevada —a hamburgers restaurant chain in Colombia— and he is also a social entrepreneur; He uses social networks and the internet perfectly to get many people to benefit, starting with his employees.

Now that the COVID-19 crisis pop up, he helps many more people with the MENU SOLIDARIO [Solidarity Menu] campaign. I contacted him from Barcelona and I asked him what could I do, So here we are: Making this fundraising campaign to send resources from abroad in the best way, audited by [PriceWaterhouseCoopers] and associated with foundations like [the food Bank network of Colombia] and In Colombia the main problem today is hunger. Children who spend days without eating a bite in cities where their families cannot easily grow or have access to food. Older adults, Dads and Moms without work in remote neighborhoods and without resources.

This campaign brought together 50 restaurants that developed economic menus at a very low cost in Colombian pesos COP $7,500 [approx. USD $2 ]. So if we make this small contribution we can deliver a meal to a person in Colombia through a wonderful chain that begins with us, it goes through the Abaco Foundation and ends with social leaders who report on their deliveries and help a lot in the last part of the chain, which is to give this food to people they know best in their neighborhoods.

With €20 [which are approx. USD $22 or COP $82,000] we can send a solidarity menu to 10 people !! Let's think about it, we can help. If we put together several resources through this means, we can help entire families, neighborhoods and gradually alleviate that need while many people are not able to go out to work or get resources that we can share. Queremos conseguir mensualmente al menos la mayor cantidad de Menús Solidarios desde Europa en Colombia.



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